lock away - translation to greek
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lock away - translation to greek

U-lock; U lock; Bike Lock; Bike lock; Bicycle Lock; Bikelock; Sold Secure; O-lock
  • Frame and front wheel secured
  • Cable with combination lock
  • Simple cable lock (left) and steel-jacketed cable lock
  • Front wheel is locked with U-lock, but the rest of the bicycle is gone.

lock away      
φυλάγω σε κλειδωμένο μέρος
lock up         
Lock-ups; Lock-Up; Lock-up; Lock Up; Lockup; Lockups; Lock ups; Lock up (disambiguation); Lock Up (disambiguation); Lock Up (band); Lock Up (film)
κλειδώνω, κρατιούμαι, φυλακίζομαι
φυλάγω σε κλειδωμένο μέρος      
lock away


lock away
If you lock something away in a place or container, you put or hide it there and fasten the lock.
She meticulously cleaned the gun and locked it away in its case...
He had even locked away all the videos of his previous exploits.
PHRASAL VERB: V n P, V P n (not pron)
To lock someone away means to put them in prison or a secure mental hospital.
Locking them away is not sufficient, you have to give them treatment.
PHRASAL VERB: V n P, also V P n (not pron)
If you lock yourself away, you go somewhere where you can be alone, and do not come out or see anyone for some time.
I locked myself away with books and magazines.
= hide away, shut away
PHRASAL VERB: V pron-refl P


Bicycle lock

A bicycle lock is a security device used to deter bicycle theft, either by simply locking one of the wheels or by fastening the bicycle to a fixed object, e.g., a bike rack.

Quick-release levers, as used on some bicycle wheels and seatpost fasteners, are a security vulnerability, because they allow the wheels and saddle to be easily removed. Unless such easily removable components are secured while the bicycle is unattended, they are vulnerable to theft. Sensible locking strategies address this by locking these components in addition to the frame, or by taking the vulnerable components, such as quick-release front wheels, away from the bicycle.

Locking devices vary in size and security, the most secure tending to be the largest, heaviest and least portable. Thus, like other security equipment, bicycle locks must balance the competing interests of security, portability, and cost. Some are made of particularly expensive materials chosen for their acceptable strength and low density.

An alternate defense is the provision of bicycle lockers or a bike cage in which the whole bicycle is locked, but these are uncommon in some countries. A bike locker is not a bicycle lock.

Test standards that rate the effective security of bicycle locks are provided by Thatcham and Sold Secure in the United Kingdom, ART in the Netherlands, SSF in Sweden, and VDS in Germany. Tests carried out by the Cyclists' Touring Club showed that all of the locks under test could be broken in less than 42 seconds using either bolt cutters for a cable/chain or a bottle jack for D-locks.

Examples of use of lock away
1. The home secretary has promised the prime minister that he will lock away for five years anyone who "glorifies, exalts or celebrates" a terrorist act committed in the past 20 years.
2. The measure, which is expected to come into force on Friday, obliges investors bringing capital into the country to lock away 30 per cent of the total amount for 12 months.
3. June ' 2005 18÷38 The measure, which is expected to come into force on Friday, obliges investors bringing capital into the country to lock away 30 per cent of the total amount for 12 months.
4. Doesn‘t sound like an honest and upstanding person to me, more like the kind of thug we need to lock away for a long time to show them we mean business and, if he was Australian, he should be sent back after serving a long sentence.
5. How dreadfully sad. – Diana, Cornwall, England We lock away a sad old man who could no longer cope yet look at the scum we allow to walk free. – Denise Majevadia, Rugeley, England View all Add your comment Name: Your email address will not be publishedEmail: Town and country: Terms and conditionsYour comment: make text area biggerYou have characters left.